KarmaFX Synth is an Advanced Simulated Analog Modular Synthesizer featuring:
- Modular patching of synth components and controls.
- Internal high-frequency digital simulation of analogue voltage levels.
- Oscillator with phase, Detune and Pulsewidth that generates standard synth waveforms.
- Sampler, 16 bit Mono/Stereo sample player that imports .Wav files.
- 2/4 Pole Multimode Filters with Cutoff, Resonance (LP, HP, BP and BS filter types)
- State Variable, Zolzer, Moog, 10 band EQ, Formant, Comb, Allpass, Parametric and Shelving Filters.
- Amplifier with Panning, Volume and Velocity control.
- Delay, Reverb, Phaser, Chorus, and Distortion Effects.
- 10 Octave/12 Note Pitch control with Detune and Portamento.
- Bipolar/Unipolar LFO, HFO, ADSR/Multi-point Envelopes and Step-sequencer.
- Output component with Panning, DC removal, Volume and Clip control.
- Noise generator, filtered Pink, White and Brown noise with freq. sync control.
- Input generator so synth can function as an insert effect.
- Full stereo support (selected components can run in mono to save CPU cycles).
- Instant visual feedback on all controls. Frequency, Time/Amplitude, Modulation, etc.
- Up to 8 assignable automation controls.
- 2 banks of 128 pre-made patches.
- Up to 16-voice true polyphony.
- Legato support.
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