Native Instruments Battery, Reaktor, Kore & Guitar Rig Pro UPDATES-DYNAMiCS | 555 MB
BATTERY 3 is the professional standard for drums and percussion. The latest version of the acclaimed drum sampler fuses an extensive library with functionality and simplicity. A powerful new engine and a host of sound shaping options deliver tight, punchy drums while the user-friendly interface guarantees instant access and complete control. Whether electronic or acoustic, BATTERY 3 will have your drums rolling in no time.
REAKTOR 5.5 opens a universe of sound. It’s a deep and powerful modular studio that sets no restrictions on creativity. More than 70 unique synthesizers, sound generators, grooveboxes, sequencers and effects are at your fingertips, with 3000+ more freely available in the Online User Library. Customize existing instruments, or create your own individual sound generator from scratch thanks to the fully modular architecture. REAKTOR 5.5 is a true playground for the creative mind.
The KORE 2 delivers the full feature range of KORE 2 in the form of a software solution without the KORE 2 hardware controller. This powerful software instrument and multi-effects unit provides a versatile library of 500 production-ready sounds based on six integrated high-quality sound engines.
GUITAR RIG 4 PRO is the ultimate all-in-one guitar and bass solution for perfect custom tone. The powerful and intuitive software comprises of a vast array of amps, cabinets, mics and effects, recreated in stunning detail.