REAPER 3.66 (x86/x64) | 10.08 MB
REAPER is a digital audio workstation: a complete multitrack audio and MIDI recording, editing, processing, mixing, and mastering environment. Using your current computer and no other software, you can import any audio and MIDI, synthesize, sample, compose, arrange, edit, mix, and master songs or any other audio projects. If you add a hardware audio interface of your choice (AD/DA: analog-to-digital/digital-to-analog) and a microphone, you have a complete recording studio, suitable for recording anything from a soloist to a band to an orchestra (even if the orchestra is just you).
REAPER converts your computer into the full power of any top-of-the-line recording studio. Minus, of course, a room full of shockingly expensive converters, microphones, amplifiers, and, well, talent. If you are a top-of-the-line recording studio interested in REAPER, this part of the discussion has probably insulted your intelligence.
So we'll just say that unlike some other DAWs, REAPER will support almost any existing audio interface, even interfaces manufactured by companies whose software does not allow you to use any other hardware interface.
Nondestructive multi-track recording means that you can record and layer take after take, correcting, editing, revisiting, and tweaking to your heart's content. There are inexpensive audio interfaces designed just to plug guitars in to, and there are very fancy audio interfaces designed to convert many simultaneous line and microphone inputs.
REAPER is designed to let you work quickly and creatively, without imposing any artificial limits on what you can do. REAPER doesn't have track types, busses, tools, or offline processing. If you want to create a drum bus, simply add a track above the drum tracks and press the folder button - the drums will automatically send to the folder, Once you get the drum levels and FX tweaked right where you want them, you can record the folder's output to non-destructively freeze the drums and move on.
Fast, Powerful Editing:
• Drag and drop to import, arrange, and render
• Freely mix audio, MIDI, video, still image media on any track
• Easily move, split, glue, resize, trim, loop, time stretch, pitch shift, fade, crossfade, slip, snap to grid, without switching tools
• Intuitive zoom, scroll, scrub, jog, tab to audio transient, MIDI navigation
• Simple and powerful nested folder system allows group editing, routing, bussing, all in one step
• Full automation recording, playback, and editing support for track controls and plug-ins
• Easily manage tempo, time signature, and varispeed changes
• Separate audio or MIDI into freely arrangeable takes and lanes for easy comping
• Easily copy or move regions, to quickly try out alternate arrangements
Plug-in Support:
• Insert almost any third-party audio or MIDI plug-in: VST, VSTi, DX, DXi, AU (OSX only), JS
• ReWire (audio and MIDI) any capable application for even more flexibility
• Fully automatic plug-in delay compensation (PDC)
• Sidechain any plug-in, even if the plug-in does not natively support sidechaining
• Apply FX in real time, or non-destructively render FX output
• Real-time network FX processing: use other local machines as an FX farm
64-bit ReaPlugs Suite:
• Unlimited multiband EQ with draggable nodes
• Graphical FFT EQ/dynamics processing
• Technical and multiband compression
• Flexible, open-format convolution reverb
• Real-time pitch correction, with Elastique 2 Pro built in
• Multitap delay, basic synthesizer, sample player, vocoder, algorithmic reverb, and more
• Special-use plug-ins to virtualize outboard hardware, stream audio, connect to NINJAM servers, and more
• Includes the JS audio and midi plug-in scripting engine, and hundreds of user-programmable effects
• REAPER starts and loads fast - be ready to record in just a few seconds
• Portable - put REAPER in your pocket and run it from a USB key or other removable media
• Tightly coded - installer is only a few MB, updates can be installed in less than a minute
• Rapid, efficient development - new features and optimizations are added quickly and often
• Very active, enthusiastic, and helpful user forum, get help quickly
• Fantastic and readable user-created manual
• An honest business model that aims to provide the best possible user experience
Changes in REAPER 3.66 - August 4, 2010:
* MIDI editor:
o action to reverse events also reverses CC, works in event list view
o actions that target a CC lane will target the top lane if no CC lane has focus
o advance edit cursor correctly after paste preserving position in measure
o better blink cursor appearance
o clicking to the left of a CC lane will set focus to that lane without deselecting notes/CC
o fixed CC events on one channel erasing events on other channels when moving CC with notes
o fixed splitting notes in looped MIDI items
o fixed step input actions when inserting X semitones below the current note
o immediately refresh event list when correcting overlapping notes/CC
o option to disable single-click selecting CC events
o paste preserving position in measure will not paste duplicates
o quantize, humanize, event properties, and filter windows stay on top of the editor
o swing grid support
o swing grid strength is set/edited by dragging handles on the upbeat grid lines [demo]
o text box for manual entry of swing strength
o when correcting overlapping notes, also correct CC events at the same time/channel
o when correcting overlapping notes/CC, always preserve the selected note/CC
* Custom colors:
o action to reset random color generator (also resets default.palette if it exists)
o if default.reapalette file exists, use those colors instead of random colors
o default.reapalette (resource dir): text file of R G B values, one color per line
o organized default custom color menu entries
o preference for media item background tint strength, for selected/unselected media items [demo]
o preference to automatically color any recording pass that adds takes to existing items [demo]
o support for setting all takes created in the same recording pass to a custom color [demo]
o support for setting custom colors per-take
* MIDI quantize:
o actions to quantize note position, or position and end, to grid
o added actions and options to quantize notes only, or all events
o added bypass checkbox to quantize dialog
o checkbox to fix overlaps on commit
o notes will move with grid changes if quantize dialog is open when changing grid or swing [demo] [demo]
o overhauled quantize dialog
o when quantize grid is set to editor grid, quantize swing setting is linked to editor swing
* OSX:
o better text field coloring
o fixed 2GB+ file peakfile generation/reading
o fixed a few graphical glitches relating to docked windows
o selecting default system devices now allows differing input/outputs
* Recording:
o organized options for behavior when recording over existing items
o recording over existing items can split the old items and add takes, create new items, or trim existing items [demo]
o ensure that loop recording creates correct length files when "add new files on loop" enabled
o fix for loop recording sometimes being slightly off the loop edges
o new preference to discard incomplete first/last takes if at least one full loop was recorded [demo]
* Takes:
o action to activate take under mouse, mapped to "Y" by default (for "yes")
o media item drawing optimizations
o media items can be locked to the active take (to prevent mouse clicks from switching takes) [demo]
o preference to link or unlink all takes when editing start offset (slip editing) [demo]
* Tracks:
o "Options/Show overlapping items in lanes" creates as many lanes as necessary [demo]
o when showing items in lanes, items whose audio will mask other items are drawn in a higher lane [demo]
o automatically remove tracks created by accidentally moving an item down too far [demo]
o added preference to remove or retain tracks created by moving an item below the last track and back
* Automation:
o higher recording speed for FX parameter automation
o refresh track volume/pan sliders when deleting a track envelope in read/write modes
* Color theme:
o added themeable colored bars to optionally display on selected items, active takes [demo]
o added themeable colors for MIDI note/CC text colors (light and dark)
* API: allow extensions and ReaScript to get/set take custom colors, recording pass ID
* Custom menu editor: action list automatically switches to the correct section when changing menus
* Envelopes: drawing optimizations when zoomed out
* External sync: option to only use external sync on playback or recording, or both
* Master VU: fixed inaccurate RMS meter calculation with some window/audio buffer sizes
* Media items: draw media source end notch slightly differently for unlooped items [demo]
* MIDI: fixed MIDI notes sometimes not being played when coinciding exactly with a time signature change
* Nudge/set: checkbox to preserve relative item positioning in set mode [demo]
* Preferences: new tab for path settings (default render path, default recording path, alternate peak cache path)
* ReaControlMIDI: fixed reading .ins files that contain trailing blank lines
* ReaGate: checkbox to invert gate output (when loud, duck wet signal vs dry) [demo]
* Scrollbars: improved zoom button sizing
* Toolbar: refresh custom toolbars after linking/unlinking loop points and time selection via preferences
* Transport menu: fixed checkmarks on submenu items (such as external sync, etc)
* Video: preliminary support for flip/rotate of video (video source properties) [demo]
* VST: inform plugins if transport repeat is enabled
* Windows: better audio device closing behavior when minimizing REAPER and stopped
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ResponderEliminarbut I'm working with the program, try to re-install or learn before complaining on my blog
ResponderEliminari run the patch but it doesn't do anything...
ResponderEliminarit says: "nothing patched... done!"
any ideas?