lunes, 28 de diciembre de 2009

Garritan Orchestral Strings - GIGA

Garritan Orchestral Strings - GIGA | 5.1 GB
The manual supplied with GOS is practically a work of art on its own, supplied in a ringbound folder containing the discs and an extensive, well-written, and beautifully printed guide to navigating and using the library. It also provides great insight into the creation of the library with commendable openness and honesty. As an added touch, the front page of the manual is custom printed with the name of the Maestro (the ego-indulgent title attached to GOS users) who purchased the library.

The library itself is divided into three categories: 'Long Bows', 'Short Bows' and 'Additional Techniques'. As you would expect, the violins have the most variations (including up- and down-bow versions of the 'short bow' techniques, détaché, portato, marcato, martelé, sautillé, spiccato, and staccato), but the other sections aren't far behind. In fact, though there are no chords, melodic phrases, grace notes, or runs, the number of styles still far exceeds any other string library on the market.
Although the ability to stream large samples from disk is the most publicised GigaSampler/Studio feature, the developers have implemented some comprehensive modulation possibilities that GOS makes full use of. The velocity switching patches (VEL) work as expected, with some of the pizzicato patches offering a fantastic sounding Bartok 'snap' pizzicato when played really hard. However, to create realism in other areas such as dynamics (EXP), and vibrato (VIB), GOS employs GigaStudio's ability to crossfade samples with the modulation wheel. With an EXP patch loaded, moving the modulation wheel crossfades between the different dynamic layers, allowing you to create more realistic crescendos and diminuendos, instead of simply making a single sample play back louder or softer. With a VIB patch, the same trick is used to crossfade between non-vibrato and vibrato samples. And, if this wasn't enough, additional X-FADE patches allow you to crossfade between other articulation combinations; for example, crossfading between loose and tight pizzicato is really cool.

1 comentario:

  1. dude it would be awesome if you could post these as torrents aswell. the hack for rapidshare and mega and hotfile isnt working
