Drumdrops A Fistful of Drummers MULTiTRACK DVDR (3 Disc)
Disc 1: 2.75GBGB | Disc 2: 2.8GB | Disc 3: 2.94GB
Fistful of Drummers contains 36 classic drum tracks in multi-track format supplied with tempo-mapped ProTools LE, Logic 6 and Cubase SE session files. Fistful of Drummers With a stylistic bias to the past, Fistful of Drummers contains covers of classic beats cut between 1960 and 1979 including Rare Groove, Funk, Old Soul, Bombastic 70s Rock and early Hip-Hop.
Organized by bpm in convenient session folders each containing separate Kick, Snare, Hat, Stereo Overheads, Toms, Mono Room, Percussion and Click Tracks. More than 12 gigabytes worth of tape saturated beats that average 4 minutes in length ranging from 82-147 bpm.
Featuring Nasser Bouzida from the cult Blow Up recording stable and Jim “the Lick” Kelly with guest appearances from Style Scott and Jan Kincaid from the Brand New Heavies.
If you're a composer, producer, re-mixer or musician these beats will provide endless inspiration.
Disc 1
1. 82 bpm Slow JBs style groove with shakers and tambourine
2. 87 bpm Late 70s rock groove with trashy hats and big tom fills
3. 89 bpm Mid 70s funky groove with shakers and tambourine
4. 91 bpm Rare groove with fat snare and calfskin toms and bass drum
5. 94 bpm Mid-tempo JBs style groove with tambourine
6. 95.5 bpm Southern soul style-low tuned and swing with tambourine
7. 96 bpm Swinging rimshot groove with alternative pattern
8. 111 bpm Funky afro beat with congas, guiro and tambourine
9. 117 bpm Explosive groove with two snares, tom fills and break downs
10. 123 bpm Early Disco groove with funky breakdown and congas
11. 130 bpm Classic funky Motown style groove with ride section and percussion
12. 147 bpm 60s lounge beat with pattern changes, congas and guiro
Disc 2
1. 82 bpm Slow JBs style groove with changes, shakers and tambourine
2. 83 bpm 70s funky groove with hi-hat pushes, snare rolls and hand percussion
3. 95 bpm Rare groove break with fat snare and calfskin bass drum
4. 95.5 bpm Southern soul style funky beat with tambourine
5. 112.5 bpm Funky Afro beat with pattern changes, congas and hand percussion
6. 113 bpm Early Disco groove with fat snare and tambourine
7. 116 bpm Pounding JBs style groove with changes and percussion
8. 117 bpm Bouncy JBs style groove with breakdown and hand percussion
9. 117.5 bpm Funky and lazy Afro beat with boxy 70s sound
10. 124 bpm Fast JBs influenced groove with double snare and breakdowns
11. 137 bpm Up tempo Disco groove with crisp hi-hats and congas
12. 138 bpm Explosive 60s groove with toms, rides and percussion
Disc 3
1. 83 bpm Southern soul style funky beat with changes and hand percussion
2. 88.5 bpm Mid 70s funky groove with changes, shakers and tambourine
3. 91 bpm 70s Rock break with busy bass drum, calfskin toms and percussion
4. 91 bpm Funky Afro beat with congas, cuica and tambourine
5. 91 bpm Mid tempo rimshot groove with shakers and tambourine
6. 94 bpm Southern soul groove with changes bongos and tambourine
7. 94 bpm Funky Acid Jazz style groove with pattern changes and congas
8. 95 bpm Rare groove break with fat snare and calf skin bass drum
9. 105 bpm Funky Afro beat with congas, blocks and tambourine
10. 112.5 bpm Fast JBs influenced groove with rides and breakdowns
11. 117.5 bpm Swinging 60s groove with rides, break downs and percussion
12. 124 bpm Explosive funk groove with fills, breakdowns and congas
* Easy to use; all audio files start from the same point
* Tempo mapped ProTools LE, Logic 6 and Cubase SE session files
* Supplied with 16-Bit .AIFF previews for easy auditioning
* MIDI files with tempo map info for importing to other DAWs
* Drums Nasser Bouzida, Jan Kincaid, Jim Kelly and Style Scott
* Percussion Nasser Bouzida
Release Info:
SiZE......: 3 DVD
Homepage: http://www.drumdrops.com/product/show/FOD-M-001