Scarbee R S P 73 Exs24 MKII Halion AI
Scarbee is proud to present to you the Scarbee R.S.P.’ 73,the most comprehensively sampled Rhodes piano on earth.
The depth and sophistication of this sampling project has allowed us to finally capture the elusive ’soul’ of the Rhodes piano.
The R.S.P.’73 consists of a collection of truly authentic ‘deeply sampled’ renderings of the classic Fender Rhodes Stage Piano MK I - ’73, captured in high definition 24 bit quality. Ingenious Danish programming has resulted in both the 24 bit Emagic EXS24 mk II and 24 bit Steinberg Halion editions of the library being included in the same 4 CD set,
The Scarbee R.S.P.’ 73 was recorded at 24 bit resolution through a Mindprint En-Voice preamp (without any use of EQ, tube saturation or compression), and then digitally transferred to a Nuendo AudioLink 96 audio card. The piano sound was captured directly from the harp, bypassing the passive tone control on the front panel, in order to capture the full frequency range of the instrument and minimise unwanted noise. All sample editing - including noise reduction and normalizing was also done at 24 bit resolution.
How much detail is there in the instrument?
To start with, all samples are full length and unlooped.
Each of the 73 keys of the Rhodes was sampled at 12 different velocities - ranging from 0 to -26 dB - but this is only half the story. In order to capture that magical feel of really ‘playing’ a Rhodes, we also recorded ‘release’ samples for each of the 12 velocities, at the exact same level as the corresponding 12 sustain samples. The release tone - a sound created when a damper bounces against the tine as a key is released, is an intrinsic element of what musicians recognise as the original ‘Rhodes Sound’.
To accommodate systems with RAM limitations, several ‘Lite’ versions of the piano are included. Lite versions contain the samples of the white keys, which are stretched down a semitone to cover adjacent black keys. Lite versions come in 12, 8 and 4 velocity layer flavours.
In response to a number of requests, all programs are available in both Equal and Stretch tunings.
The 24 bit native EXS24 mk II and the 24 bit native HALion editions are not conversions. They have been programmed ‘from scratch’ using the “Direct from harp” sound.
Programming this way allows us to utilise every facility available on the native sampler, rather than create something which might have taken mere minutes to port, but which was only ‘pretty close’ to the original version because of inaccuracy in the porting software. In fact, critical comparison of the three versions has confirmed that they have identical timbre and response. The “Classic” sound can easily be created with the EXS24 and Halion versions by using the internal EQ of your favourite sequencer program, - just go to for a detailed description! Each 24 bit version utilises 1752 samples and requires 2.25 gigabytes of disk space (shared).
Install: Unrar with Winrar 3 and Burn with Cdr-Win 3.7 or higher
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