sábado, 17 de octubre de 2009

ToneHammer Bongajon Kontakt

ToneHammer Bongajon Kontakt | 670 MB
Tonehammer decided to explore both instruments extensively by sampling two sets of professional Cajons (snare and non-snare) and three sets of professional Bongos (small, medium and large). We recorded them as ensemble groups, divisi groups and individual solo sets. The end result includes nearly 8000 samples and 34 instrument patches. We sampled both types of instruments close and dry, using hands, fingers, mallets, sticks and brushes. We made sure to cover a huge range of different playing surfaces on all instruments. Both of the Cajons were also recorded with two different microphone positions (internal and external), so users can truly get the sound they wish.
Then, we also captured the 2 cajons and the large primary bongo pair a second time, in a warm, slightly wet wooden percussion studio, just to allow that much more user flexibility. And as a bonus, we’ve included a special section of ensemble hand claps, finger snaps and hotrod stick clacks. All instruments and articulations in the library have a full 10 round robins per velocity layer, and up to 10 velocity layers each.

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